Sunday, May 10, 2009

36 weeks

My SIL is 36 weeks along today!

My mother and I were talking on the phone a few days ago and of course I mention my brother's family and how far along my SIL is. My mom squealed (so cute), and in that moment I was thinking, wow, the baby girl is coming next month, and we are going to have a new addition to our family. My parents are going to be grandparents, my brother and SIL will be parents, and I am going to be an aunt.

I want to see my niece very badly, but on the other hand, I do want her to "bake" till she is nice and ready. I hope that my SIL can get the birth that she desires to have.


When I read on message boards and stuff about how moms say "This is our last baby...." that makes me sad. I guess I feel sad because a family has decided they are not going to have any more children and somehow that seems I don't know their situation though. If I ever have a family, I want God to decide my family size. I do not even want to use birth control. At least not oral contraceptives (OCPs). I've been on those and it took 1 YEAR for me to get AF normally again. Plus, when you are on OCPs, I think when you get AF, it is not even a true AF. Btw, it was necessary for me to be on an OCP because of all the weight I lost from AN and my GYN did not want me to be at risk for osteoporosis.

(If you have any questions about all the abbreviations, please feel free to ask) :)

I secretly hope I can become more involved with babies and children in my lifetime. Whether it be my own, nieces and nephews, or friends' children. Ever since I was 7 years old, I have loved taking care of little ones. I even started wearing babies at age 7, too.

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