Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pediatric Nurse Midwife

Did you know there was such a program? Well actually, there is! I just found out tonight while I was browsing on University of Michigan has this program. I knew that some schools had the Family Nurse Midwife program, but this one is new to me! So cool!

If there is ever an Adolescent Nurse Midwife program, sign me up! Hehe, just kidding. I am not planning on transferring from my current school. But I guess the PNM program would be the closest thing to an "adolescent nurse midwife," (term coined by me, unless there is such a thing - then please let me know!) since adolescents are technically in the pediatrics category until age 18. I would like to specialize more in learning about adolescent care, though.

As far as school goes......Week 5 and counting. :)


  1. Wow! I didn't know that they had that. At least when I was researching information a while back, I didn't see that on their web site. I do know that they changed their nurse-midwifery web site since, though.

    ...just another reason to move by me so that you could do a PNM program! j/k! ;)

    I'll have to do some research and start telling some people around here. I'm always urging people who love assisting in birth to expand their education!

    1. ;)

      U. of Michigan has such a wide range of master's programs in nursing - so great!

  2. I just checked it out. Looks pretty cool. You should see if you could do a certificate or something in the future.

    1. I might consider a post-master's certificate in the future! ;)
