Friday, October 29, 2010

10 Days

There are only 10 days till Frontier Bound. :)

The only things I have yet to do in preparation for FB are as follows:

1) Pack. I haven't started packing at all yet. I have a small mental list, but physically, nothing has been done yet. I am still a little worried about what I am going to wear for the dress outfit (I think this is for dinner at Wendover). Embarrassing confession: I cannot shop for dress clothes on my own, I have to have someone help me. With the lack of time, I am going to have to find something in my closet.

2) Read more of Wide Neighborhoods. I am relieved that I don't have to attempt to finish the whole thing. However....I really would like to read more of it than I have.

3) Submit the health form. Unfortunately, this is something I am going to have to submit later than planned. Maybe I will talk to the Frontier staff about it at FB. The local health department does not draw titers, but I do think they do TB tests. I would rather be poked all at once, though, so either I'm going to have to find a health care provider who takes patients with no insurance, or just wait till I get a job.

Speaking of the job search, no news there. I could write a whole post about my thoughts about that for the past 4 months, but I don't know if I am willing to do that right now - or, at least not publicly.

I am really looking forward to FB and meeting my classmates and the staff. The acceptance to Frontier has really been a blessing this season and has helped me get through these past few months. Hopefully I can work hard and make my loved ones proud.

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