Friday, April 1, 2011


I wanted to make this a separate post, but I passed both of my classes for winter term! This means I successfully made it through my first term of grad school. Thank You Lord.

It wasn't easy. Even attending as a part-time student, it was a lot of work. I think it was also hard because I knew how much free time I had (as I was not working full-time), and this made me feel more laid back. Yet I was proud of myself for working ahead at times. I admire those who actually work better under pressure and are finishing up things a few days before the due date - wish I could do that, but I think I would be majorly stressed out.

It was also hard to get through this term because my mind was often elsewhere (i.e., you know what I'm talking about - if you're not sure, look at what I mentioned in the above parantheses). I grew apathetic, and I questioned myself many times.

Hopefully this next term will be a good one. I am taking two classes again: 1) Theories and Concepts in Primary Care, and 2) Physical Assessment: Interviewing, Documentation, and Decision Making.

I haven't looked at the syllabi yet. Trying to enjoy every minute of my break. :)

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